Saturday, March 21, 2020

Overcast but not raining - still in TN

Between raindrops yesterday, we were able to go on two walks. Even though this isn’t a large State Park, there are lots of hiking trails and we take advantage of them. 

Some pics as we were walking. 

Love this one. So delicate. 

Even the boys were interested in the flowers. Yeah right. Someone probably peed on it. 

Tried to get the boys to sit on this rock for a picture like Mary Jo’s dogs do but as you can tell, ours aren’t as cooperative. 

Ordered a few things from Walmart again but had to drive to Johnson City because the ones in Jonesborough didn’t have available days. 

Stopped and had a wonderful homemade lasagne dinner with Terry and Sandy at a social distance!! But Abby and Sadie didn’t quite understand that concept. The Countermine’s are a bright spot in all of this Covid-19 mess!!!  Thanks for your friendship and love. 

1 comment:

  1. So nice to have friends on your travels. I laughed at the dogs not being willing to pose for a picture, lol!
