Wednesday, July 8, 2020

More lake time and hiking and fishing in the high Sierras

Sunday, July 5, Drew and Erin drove up from Sacramento to join Shan, Carl, and us at Scott’s Lake for a wonderful time picnicking, water sports, and relaxing!

Shan is struggling with the new-fangled life vest that auto opens when you fall off the paddle board. 

Then there is Drew and Erin’s Chillin’ Baggin’ !

Lenny is ready to go paddle borarding. 

On Monday Shan, Carl, us and the 4 dogs went up in the high Sierras near Tahoe for some fishing and hiking. After fighting some brush for about a mile on a trail Carl thought thought  would lead to the creek, Shannon and I took a different route. We found a well- maintained trail that led directly to the water and a nice little waterfall. Had our lunch while resting at the water’s edge on some huge boulders. 

Carl and Bill returned about 4 hours later all happy they had made a new trail and caught some fish. More pics to follow when Carl sends me his pics of the day. 

1 comment:

  1. So much beauty!!! I just love all your pictures so much.
