Saturday, March 8, 2025

March 6-7-8 - Along the Gulf at Freeport

After a long day of driving along Southern Texas, we found our campground for the next 3 nights, San Luis Pass Campground. It’s on the Gulf, breezy but warm. We wanted an electric spot so we could watch the EIWA and Big Ten Wrestling Championships. 

We passed rice fields driving along the cost, as well as Crawdads fields. Very flat and wet. 

Once we got set up at the campground, Bill searched the TV for FloWrestling. Realized that we needed a Roku stick so off we drove to Freeport to find a Best Buy. Finally got the Roku set up and FloWrestling downloaded so we could have a day of wrestling. 

In between sessions, we took a walk along the beach area. Found a blue crab out of his element so Bill helped him back to water. 

Sea gulls and egrets love the lagoon that runs buy the campground. 

A nice sunset for our first night here. 

Woke up Saturday to a foggy day on the coast. 

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