Happy Birthday to my sweetie. Little did he know how we would celebrate (nor did I).
Bill found a place to go hiking, Bitter Lake Wildlife Refuge, Oxbow Trail. We were about 9 miles out of town in the desert, beautiful blue skies. You can see the desert terrain.

The trail was about a 3.5 mile loop.

We made it around the loop and approached our car to get water. I said, you have the keys, right. Bill felt his pockets, no, you do, he said to me. I did NOT have them. Some of you reading this know I have lost my keys before. So I was so mad at myself. We each took off in opposite directions to look for the keys along the trail. Lenny and Banjo weren’t happy but they followed along. Along the way I met a couple and asked them if they had found any keys. They had not. Then I met two ladies and told them my plight. They graciously offered to wait at their cars to take us back to the motor home. I said I’d finish out the loop and meet them back at the car, hopefully with keys in hand. I met Bill at the halfway Mark and told him about the two women. But still no keys. Then Bill reached into one of his deep pockets... you know what he found ... the KEYS and a leash. The keys were entwined with the leash. Grateful he had them but wishing he would have found them a little sooner. So headed back to the car a a fast clip and met the ladies coming toward us. When we told them what happened, we all laughed. We asked them to go for a beer and lunch on us. I was so grateful we met people who were willing to help us.
We made new friends, Lisa and Shannon, and enjoyed a delicious Mexican lunch and several cold beers. Fun getting to know them.

They both knew the area well and told us about their town. Lisa told us to check out an old town, Lincoln, snout 45 miles west. So that’s just what we did to end Bill’s birthday celebration. They’ve preserved many of the buildings and they’ve made a nature trail. Not sure the dogs wanted another walk but away we went. The trail was only 3/4 of a mile, just enough. It took us around a meadow and back up to the street.

This was their store and their church.

Arriving back at the RV, the dogs gobbled their food and went to sleep. A good day.