Shan and Arlo met me at the Sacramento Zoo. Arlo loved looking at the animals.
Drove up to Nevada City to spend the next week with this guy.
Started off my time with a visit to the new house. It has so much more sunshine and natural light.
And they have cell reception which is a big deal out here. Before they had to use WiFi calling to place calls.
Sunsets here are beautiful, right outside the back of their house.
Shan and I spent some time cleaning at the new house’s guest house. Nice space for family and friends to stay.
Downtown Grass Valley is all ready for Christmas.
Yes, that’s sun and blue skies. While I’m here, temps will be I. The high 60s.
Tuesday Shan, Arlo and I drove to Roseville looking for furniture for the new place.
Wednesday night Donna, Shan and I went to the Holbrook’s Miracle Mile for drinks. Very festive, lots of red so it’s hard to get good photos.
Then a rousing Christmas Carolling time at the Miner’s Foundry.
Arlo’s music class at the library was fun. Lots of kids and fun things to do while listening to music.
Friday was the day for the traditional hunt for a Christmas tree in the forest. Successful trip.
Bandit wasn’t sure the ride back was going to be very much fun in the back of the truck
A few more days left with the Alsups. Who knows what all will happen.