Thursday, January 23, 2025

January 23 - Warm Up??

Temperatures are supposed to sore to 43 degrees today. Can’t believe that I am excited for that, but at least we’ll be able to take a longer walk on the trails. I did try to bike yesterday at 39 degrees but I didn’t have the right gloves. Otherwise I wasn’t cold. Guess what’s on my shopping list now!

Snow has definitely melted some and roads in the campground are mostly clear. But there’s still snow on the ground. Interstate I-10 is closed because of wrecks. We haven’t ventured out on the roads yet because we don’t think southern drivers know how to drive in snow. 

There was a snowplow that came by once yesterday. Surprised me. I watched from inside!

Temperatures rose to about 40 degrees so we were able to get a couple walks in today. 

On our walk we saw the first Mobile Little Library. Great idea. 

Look at the sky. Hope this isn’t a sign for more snow. 

From our site, we saw this sunset. Hoping to get a sunset photo from the gulf before we leave. 

When we got back to the RV, Winter called to tell us that she passed a welding test and could enter the co-op training program. She only need to go to school on Friday to check in with the teacher. Monday-Thursday she’ll be working. She’s so excited and we’re happy for her. She has quit her prison job, which will make it easier on her. 

1 comment:

  1. You've had quite an historic adventure to the "Sunny South!" That picture of the "snow plow" looks like a backhoe with a bucket on the front, but I'm guessing that may be as close to a plow as they might have!
