Wednesday, January 22, 2025

January 20 - Drew and Erin leave early because of weather

We had the day planned, then Mother Nature took over and changed those plans. Meteorologists are calling for very cold temperatures with snow and ice. Definitely not what we expected when we decided to come south. 😫

The kids changed their flight plans so they could leave a day earlier because southern airports were closing and canceling flights as of midnight tonight. 

So we drove east to Pensacola to drop off their rental car, then west to Mobile to catch their flight. From there, they flew to Dulles, DC, and finally home to Sacramento. So glad they made that decision. They are safe on the west coast with 60 degree weather!!

We are hunkered down in the RV to wait and see what happens. The campground told us to let water drip from our faucets because of the cold temperatures. 

More tomorrow on this historic time. 

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