Saturday, March 8, 2025

March 6-7-8 - Along the Gulf at Freeport

After a long day of driving along Southern Texas, we found our campground for the next 3 nights, San Luis Pass Campground. It’s on the Gulf, breezy but warm. We wanted an electric spot so we could watch the EIWA and Big Ten Wrestling Championships. 

We passed rice fields driving along the cost, as well as Crawdads fields. Very flat and wet. 

Once we got set up at the campground, Bill searched the TV for FloWrestling. Realized that we needed a Roku stick so off we drove to Freeport to find a Best Buy. Finally got the Roku set up and FloWrestling downloaded so we could have a day of wrestling. 

In between sessions, we took a walk along the beach area. Found a blue crab out of his element so Bill helped him back to water. 

Sea gulls and egrets love the lagoon that runs buy the campground. 

A nice sunset for our first night here. 

Woke up Saturday to a foggy day on the coast. 

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Marc 5 - Creole, LA - Rutherford Beach

Last light we had winds, thunderstorms and lots of rain. Luckily, no tornadoes touched down near us., although there were some northwest of us. 

When we woke up, lots of puddles around us but there was bright blue skies and sun was shining brightly. 

We plan to stay in Creole, Louisiana at Rutherford Beach. 

Along Route I-10, we crossed over the Atchafalaya Basin. Cypress trees shot out of the water.

We stopped at the Atchafalaya Welcome Center to learn more about the swamp. It’s the largest swamp or basin in the US. 

We saw these crawdads beds as we were driving to the Gulf of Mexico 

Once we got to our destination, Rutherford Beach dispersed camping near Creole, PA, this is our view. 

Sunset was pretty and could see it right out or RV. 

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

March 4 - Cosy Rosy and the Shed - Mississippi

Decided to drive south to Pascagoula, Mississippi to stay at Cosy Rosy’s and have the Shed BBQ. We had stopped here in January when Drew and Erin visited us at Gulf Shores. Best BBQ then and now, plus some Mississippi Delta culture. 

Walking around the campground we saw this sign. Looked for alligators but didn’t see any. 

Dinner time was a combo of ribs and brisket. Yummy and enough for another meal. 

When we were at Terry and Sandy’s, the weather person talked about storms coming across the south. Luckily we made it here before the winds got too strong. Winds are supposed to diminish late tonight. Hopefully we can be on our way to Creole, Louisiana tomorrow. 

March 3 - Oak Mountain State Park-Pelham AL

When we drove to Gulf Shores in January , we stayed at Oak Mountain State Park. Since we liked it, we decided to stay there again. Lots more campers than when we were here before  

We hiked the Light Trail again for about 2 miles. We had blue skies and temps in the 60s so we put away our coats hoping we wouldn’t need them for awhile. We had a view of their lake. 

We watched the weather to learn more about the storms coming across the south. We decided to try to get an early start tomorrow to our next destination, Ocean Springs. We plan to stay at a Harvest Host, Cosy Rosy’s which is next door to the Shed, the best BBQ we’ve ever had. 

Sunday, March 2, 2025

March 1 -2 - Countermine’s Campground

Last night’s stay at Loves Truckstop Campground wasn’t as noisy as we anticipated. It’s newly constructed with 8 camping spots with full hookup. We would stay here again since Draper Mercantile isn’t an option anymore. 

On the road early. As we were close to Bristol Tennessee, an eagle flew very close to our RV. Thank heaven it changed direction quickly so we didn’t hit it!

Arrived at Terry and Sandy Countermine’s place around noon and parked in their driveway. 

It’s been great catching up. Lunch was at Main Street Cafe. Delicious food and fun staff. Then Terry and Sandy took us to their newly renovated Theater for a tour. Beautiful venue for movies and music. 

This is our view from the RV. 

Visited Terry and Sandy’s church to hear Terry’s Praise band and listen to Pastor Mike’s message about listening to hear God. 

Sandy is a quilter as well as a knitter so we had a lot to catch up our projects. I love the Tree of Live one she did. 

 A hike at Persimmon Ridge was relaxing. Lenny and Banjo had good smells with Abby and Sadie. 

A couple games of Left Right Center where Sandy won 3, Peg 2 and Terry and Bill won ZIP. Lots of laughter. 

Tomorrow we leave to drive farther south to Oat Mountain State Park. We stayed here on our way to Gulf Shores and enjoyed hiking there. Temps are supposed to be in the 60s.