Saturday, April 8, 2023

April 3-4 - Just hanging in Sac and. Surprise

An exciting time is happening in our family - Shan and Carl are expecting a little Alsup soon. We are just hanging around getting mundane but necessary things done … waiting and waiting. 

Finally we received this text and picture:  Arlo Hager Alsup made his dramatic entrance at 7:59am on April 4. It was super intense and he is spending a little time in the NICU for some breathing support.

Shan is doing well. 

April 5 - Arlo spent the night in the NICU. Nurses said he’s a feisty one. Of course, I wouldn’t expect anything different from an offspring of Shannon’s. When she was born, she drank a 6 ounce bottle of formula down in one gulp.  Arlo looks like Shan did except for the dark hair. 

More to come 

1 comment:

  1. So he's a week old now. Wow! What a big secret this was for you to keep, Peg!! I just love the picture of Shan nursing him. When you see her give her a hug from me. I am praying for good health for this precious child.
