Sunday, June 11, 2023

June 10 - Hiking and Brewery

Left the campground and drove about 30 minutes to visit the Thomas Condon Paleontology Center. The highlight is the museum, where you can listen to the growls, squawks and hoots of mammals that lived in this once-lush environment millions of years ago. After getting my stamp in the Passport Book, we drove to the Blue Basin Tailhead. It’s a 4 mile moderately challenging loop. 

The trail is scenic from almost the outset, highlighting a multicolored canyon of volcanic ash that entombed many of the animals. My pictures don’t capture the stunning colors.

We met 4 guys on the hike, again from Oregon that gave us some more tips of what to see. 

The one guy gave the dogs a drink out of his hat. Lenny was skeptical since they had been drinking out of a snuff can. 

After our hike we drove another 45 minutes through a canyon to the next town, Mitchell to get a beer at the Tiger Town Brewery. 

We met two locals, a lady who owns a ranch and a manager of the ranch. Enjoyed hearing their stories of their lives. 

Long day BUT when we got back to Dayville, there was live music at their community center. We sat and enjoyed that for 2 hours. Some great musicians. 

Tomorrow more hiking. 

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